LINC Leadership graphic

About Extraco LINC

Powered by Extraco Banks, Extraco LINC exists to help your business flourish and be an economic catalyst to Central Texas.

What is Extraco LINC?


LINC full meaning graphic
Extraco LINC, which stands for Leadership, Innovation, Networking & Community, brings together a variety of resources to help businesses grow and positively impact the Central Texas community. At Extraco Banks, we want to walk alongside you in your business journey, whether that is through utilizing our business tools & templates or meeting one-on-one with our Small Business Bankers.



Click below to get connected to LINC resources.
Small business - planning - LINC
Tools & Calculators
Explore the business templates and calculators we've brought together to help you identify solutions to your business needs.
Salesperson in yellow jacket.
LINC Partners
We know each business has unique needs, which is why we’ve curated a list of LINC Partners who provide professional services to businesses of all sizes.
A couple looking at devices
We’ve included a variety of resources and information for you to use to help your business grow.


Extraco LINC has resources for every business stage. Whether you're wanting to see if your big idea is viable, or you're looking to exit your business, the information we've pulled together is available for you to use to help guide your business decisions. 
Startup business - LINC
Start Up
Starting a new business can be exciting, scary, exhilarating - all at the same time. From identifying your new venture to deciding on a business name, Extraco LINC is here to support you & your big idea every step of the way.
Growing business - LINC
Growth is an exciting phase of every business owner’s vision when starting a new venture. We understand the importance of capitalizing on growth opportunities, which is why we’ve listed resources to support you.
Business management - LINC
Business management is achieved by ensuring and establishing multiple business metrics, such as formalizing your mission and vision, and financial reliability and consistency. A key component of business maturity is revisiting strategies to ensure soundness.
Business transition - LINC
Transition & Succession
When it’s time to move onto your next venture and transition ownership of your current business, we are here to help you create a strategic succession strategy. Our resources can help with the key succession planning steps.


About Extraco Banks
Extraco Banks and its affiliate companies are dedicated to building people, businesses and communities. Since the Great Recession, Extraco has extended over $2 billion in loans to 25,000 customers, while financially supporting over 1,275 community organizations working to create economic vibrancy, job growth and overall quality of life to our communities across central Texas. Founded as a cotton warehousing company, Extraco, with more than $2 billion in assets, is the most comprehensive locally owned bank between Dallas and Austin, serving our customers' banking, mortgage, insurance and wealth & trust needs with creative and innovative excellence.